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A mind open for changes and new things not only detects real as true but also potentially real, and seeks to classify it, compare it, looking for backgrounds and contexts.


Introview painting

Principle: It is not the observed external world that is represented by means of consciousness, that is, cognitive processes, but internal "images" are evoked by the activation of memory processes.

'Inner images' are representations (pictures, patterns, language, logic, emotions, music, memory and retrieval processes) stored using neural interconnection patterns. These images and processes determine our personality, our actions, our creativity. They include individual, cultural and evolutionary content. The reservoir is gigantic in size and only small sections on the surface are temporarily loaded into consciousness (and subconsciousness) in order to classify and evaluate external perceptions.

'Inner images' can be obtained by reinforcing the involuntary memory processes while simultaneously widely inactivating waking consciousness.

The view inside is worthwhile.

Stored images for shapes, colors, patterns are made visible and fixed with the help of color paint on the canvas. This makes the inner world somewhat more experienceable. An inner 'filter' decides what is true and what is untrue.

Retrieving inner images is a creative process that is associated with ease, pleasure, and adventure. The images thus produced can, in turn, stimulate creative processes in the viewer. The inner 'true' filter provides acceptable patterns. A limited concretization gives space for interpretations and associations.

Recurring patterns in the images produced are complex structures, organisms, and creatures, often hidden under a smooth surface. The image representation of the outer world states that it is more complex and fragile than it appears at first sight. The perception of the external world deceives.

The response is searching, understanding, questioning, associating. Natural elements, such as plants and bodies, are found again and again in the structures. According to experience, these are the most important parts of the outer world for an individual. Since inner images are always networked, such structures also always carry associated emotions. Painting and viewing is thus a playful experience of one 's own being.